Sisters and brothers

Sister number three and I had a chat on WhatsApp a few weeks ago. It started on a general note, as it normally does. With questions about how we were and goings-on in our respective lives. We also talked about family events that are happening in the last four months of this year – our grandniece starting big school in September, green peas and Deepavali in October – my mum’s busiest but happiest time of the year, and sister number two, who will be a first-time grandmother also in October. We spoke about sister number four’s son’s wedding in November plus sister number one’s 70th birthday in December. Nice. There are nine other birthdays and two anniversaries also happening in the third and fourth quarters of 2019 that we didnt get around to. 

I come from a big family. Four older sisters and two older brothers. Yes, enough of us to make up a netball team. With my mum as the head coach. The chat with sister number three was both telling and funny. Telling, because my siblings are all getting on in age. To have a grandniece, my niece’s daughter, attend proper school this year, is indeed a milestone. More so as I can clearly recollect accompanying my niece to her school when she was the same age as her daughter now.

I also remember the excitement when my grandniece was born. The first of the fourth generation in my family. I have a second grandniece now, and a grandnephew on the way. Time feels like it has flown past but it hasn’t. It has, as only time can, tick-tock steadily away each day, each month and each year.

My eldest sister turning 70 is another huge landmark. I find that when I speak of or refer to people in their fifties and sixties, I think of them as old people. Which I suppose is not wrong. They are old…er people. Yes, I have read about the 60’s being the new 50’s or 40’s. Or the 70’s being the new 50’s. I do agree that a balanced diet, exercise, genetics, a good skin care regime and cosmetic surgery can help towards achieving a younger appearance, for a little longer. It’s not easy to mask maturity, but it does feel good to look good, whatever the age.

Truth be told, when sister number one hit 60, it seemed like a big deal to me. It was like crossing a threshold. A maze of emotions enveloped me. Daunting and a little worrisome. An achievement, of sorts, and certainly, a call for celebration. That is why when she visited us in Kuala Lumpur prior to her birthday, my mum and I gave her a surprise treat at the SkyBar at Traders Hotel. As my other sisters and brothers gradually inched into that decade, it became a little less surreal. But, still a big deal. Strangely, I don’t see my siblings as old…er people. I guess that’s because I am not that far off from joining the 60’s club.

Our chat was also funny because it appeared, at least to me, that despite growing older, our personalities hadn’t really changed. Not all that much from when we were children. The seniority totem pole remains intact but our relationship with each other is quite effortless and easy, most times. We appreciate that we are adults now, and we have our own views and perspectives. That said, sister number one still issues instructions, on occasion. Sister number two explicitly enjoys sister number one’s company. As the earliest arrivals in the family, they spent the most time together as children and young adults. The sisterly bond has remained strong despite living their latter lives in different countries. Nice. Sister number three is caring, sometimes, too much. While sister number four is reliable and organised. Brother number five is a good older brother, most times, and brother number six is a devoted father to his daughters.  

Being part of a big family is nice because we do care and look out for each other. Not so nice when we are intrusive, which, thankfully, is not often. We have a laugh and enjoy each other’s company, some more than others. We have little spats, we take sides, and we gossip about each other. It’s not perfect but that’s what we do. Seeing as I have known my siblings all my life, I think I will keep them:)