I have lived in Kuala Lumpur city for more than a dozen years now. I know Kampung Baru. I know where it’s located. I never visited it. Not until sister number 4, who is here from Brisbane, expressed an interest to go to a nearby kampung or village. I quickly read up on Kampung Baru. […]
I have a blog. I know a few tech jargons. I think I understand what they mean and what they are meant to do. But, I am never quite sure. It’s a maze. It’s a little hazy. I am hesitant. I am cautious. Afraid to try or give it a go in case I do […]
I love my mum’s food. It’s really quite different from other people’s cooking. I have had a fair share of delicious and diverse food at various relatives and friends’ homes, and at restaurants to make a fairly objective comparison. What can I say? My mum’s cooking is the best. This is true. Naturally. Some of […]
This year I received a thought provoking gift from sister number 1. Literally, a gift that requires me to think. Every day my present throws me a question. Engaging me. Challenging me. Making me stop, remember, assess and think. And, come up with answers. Already, I have made some interesting discoveries. I have confirmed a […]
My husband booked the holiday accommodation. I liked his choice. Great location. Beautiful sea view. Handy to people-watch and traffic. Pricey, yes. A treat. Certainly yes. My husband, my parents-in-law and I arrived a little after 3pm, the check-in time at The Gallery. As it was late December, it was already dark and cold. The […]
I make resolutions every year. I actually like making them. Following them is another story. I usually manage to practise a bit of some but certainly not all. In short, the pattern is the same every year. And yet, I persevere. This year, I have one resolution. Just being in the moment. A Carpe Diem […]
My husband and I will be flying on New Year’s Eve, and arriving home in Malaysia on the first day of 2020. A first for us. We are either at home or out toasting the brand new year with friends at a hotel or a club. Not so much the latter in recent years. But […]
It’s Christmas. That wonderful time of the year. I know I have said this before. December is my favourite month of the year, second only to March, which is my birthday month. For me, there’s very little not to like about Christmas or December. This year, Christmas came early in many of the shopping malls […]
I only just discovered Lego. Seen it. But never played with it. Never owned any as a kid. In fact, I don’t remember having many store-bought toys. Maybe, some marbles and a ball. What I played with were mostly bespoke toys. Thanks to my eldest brother. He used to build things with whatever was available. […]
Do I like travelling solo? Yes and no. My husband and I fly, drive and visit places together, almost always. We are compatible travel buddies. Of course, we have our share of arguments and misunderstandings on our trips. But we manage to laugh away frustrations and annoyances, most times. I think we are better together […]
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