My search for a sun shirt shone more light on sun protection than I had expected. There’s so much useful information about sunscreens, solar Ultra-Violet Index (UVI), and sun-related diseases that I wished I had bothered to read or researched much earlier instead of assuming I knew enough. I was smug. Why? I use sunscreen. […]
I finally managed to buy a long sleeve Ultraviolet/UV hoodie. Not quite a sun shirt, which was what I was looking for as my outer layer sun protection. Strangely, most shops that sell sports and outdoor products don’t seem to stock them in sunny Malaysia. Anyways, my online search for sun shirts was a learning […]
Niece number 3’s stories about her pet-children, Coco the dog and Zupa the cat, made me smile and go awww. My husband also smiled when I related the antics of these two animal species that are not usually friends or friendly. I especially liked the photo of Zupa waiting for Coco to return to the dog-and-cat […]
One sure fire way to lift sagging spirits or general malaise is a holiday. It works every time for me. Wide smiles. Happy hormones. Great anticipation of what can only be good things to come. Hopefully, sleeping more as I’m an insomniac. Hopefully, relaxing and worrying less as I’m a certified worry wart. The sooner […]
Last week I wrote about losing my jolly. I’d identified the jolly stealers in writing in the hope of not thinking and giving them more brain space than I already have, and do. All in the hope of getting back my jolly. While I sort of knew somethings that could help, I still searched on […]
I’ve lost my jolly, and I want it back. I know the reasons for my general melancholy. It started with Covid and the restricted movement controls in 2020. Holidays became scarce. The rigmarole involved in organising any form of travel was a deterrent, as was the infectious disease itself. I remember the arduous loops my […]
When I was younger, I honestly believed that bad people who do bad things will get their comeuppance in due course. I used to repeat this mantra to my husband ever so often. He was either wiser or just plain cynical because he was sure that wasn’t always the case. Older and a tad wiser, […]
There was never more month at the end of my money. I didn’t have much, especially when I was younger and just starting out on my own, but I had enough to see me through to the next few salaries. Every month, I saved a little and then some, particularly, for rainy days. It wasn’t […]
I watched one. Then another, and before I knew it, I was searching for holiday/Christmas movies on Netflix. The soppy and predictable with happy endings variety. No shooting, killing, or maiming. No big companies or individuals with money, power and position abusing and rough riding everyday, regular people. No pain or misery. None of the […]
I hope 2024 will be a good or better year. Peace on earth, friendlier weather, people-centric governments, equitable social and economic growth, and all that. Ok is also alright. If the new year’s generic wishes for good health, happiness, successes, steady/true friendships/relationships and fun holidays are somewhat realised or enjoyed by one and all. Good […]
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