When I make an appointment, I am early or on time. Never late. I fret if I am going to be late. To avoid giving myself stress, I leave early even though I know I might be the first to arrive. Better early than late, I say. I don’t want the other person/s whom I […]
Sister number 2 left for Sydney last Tuesday. She came home in August to visit family. And, to help me care for my mum while Kalyani, the caregiver, was away in Sri Lanka. Having sister number 2 with us was an unexpected bonus. Honestly, I did not expect her to jump in to help me. […]
This August is two years since my mum fell ill. I’ve written a lot about her. Her recipes. Her life. Her stories. More recently, it has been about her ailments. Only because of how much it has changed my mum’s life. My dear mum’s Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), heart failure and kidney disease have deteriorated. […]
I used to buy into overrated, and sometimes pointless, waste of money things. Younger and gullible, I believed/half-believed the hype and marketing. Still gullible but a little less so now. I accept that people place different importance on different things in life. No judgement. Me, I will no longer book with Airbnb and operators of […]
It was a look back couple of weeks for me. The previous Tuesday afternoon, I met up with a school friend. From the class of SNC’78. Whilst my husband, mum-in-law sat. The Friday before, I caught up with three of my university mates. All of whom I had not seen since the Covid pandemic. The […]
My mum says it. My sisters say it. They say once Monday comes around, the week whizzes by so fast, its Monday again. Another week. Another month. Before you know it, six months have gone past, and we are in July, 2023. Does time fly by? Sister number 3 returned home to England on the 4th […]
I didn’t want to write another post on the holiday my husband and I recently had in England. But I decided I will. Simply because it’s a happy way to relive it. After the Lake District, we spent another three nights, with my mum-in-law, in the Peak District. In a little village called Tideswell. Like […]
I had dinner with my classmates a few weeks ago. Yes, the class of SNC’78. I’m glad I did. I almost didn’t as I only had a two-hour window, and I didn’t want to be that party pooper who had to leave early. Particularly as I hadn’t seen this lot in a while. And, I […]
My mobile phone died on me last week. I woke up to a blank screen. The alarm didn’t go off. I checked the power lead. Tapped the screen to make it come alive. Tried to re-boot the phone. Nothing worked. The phone had literally fallen apart. The back casing was off. The glue holding it […]
I sit between the late majority and the laggard. Maybe even later-late majority and laggard. What am I referring to? “The technology adoption lifecycle that describes customer behaviour related to the acceptance of a new product or feature. And, it is divided into five stages or categories – innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, […]
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