My mum is a stickler for time. A clock watcher. Even now. Ailing with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and heart failure, her days are influenced by time. She has clocks everywhere in her condominium. One large analogue clock by her bedside wall. Another digital facing her. Two large ones in the lounge and kitchen. She […]
Last Monday was Valentine’s Day. The Saturday after was our wedding anniversary, my husband and my 25th silver anniversary. Yes, it is a major milestone. Yes, we have come a long way together. And, yet oddly, I was under prepared. Or rather I didn’t have ‘real plans’ for either. I wasn’t too bothered about Valentine’s […]
It’s month two of 2022. Whizzed past? Plodded along? All a blur? Not sure. What’s for sure is come rain, sun or fuzzy days, a new month means bills – utility, credit cards and maintenance charges. And, the start of a new year usually heralds an assortment of other bills – insurance, council rates and taxes. […]
I don’t have the answer or solution on how not to be sad. I’m sad. I know why. I just don’t know how to shake it off. I just thought of Taylor Swift’s song as I wrote that. And, her video. I smiled. I guess that’s one way of doing it. Shake it off. Switch […]
I binged watched a Netflix ‘explained’ production about the brain recently. Sat through 4 of the 5 episodes presented. There were some noteworthy nuggets on topics such as focusing, personality, creativity and brainwashing. The one on ‘brainwashing’ piqued my interest the most. It made me think about how the brain can be brainwashed – controlled, […]
I have to say goodbye to sister number 3 on Thursday. She arrived on Deepavali Eve. Changed her return flight from 21 Dec to 11 Jan. Changed it again to 27 Jan. After 2 months and 26 days she flies back to England. Her 90-day MyTravelPass visa expires on 1 Feb. I am sad now. […]
It was the longest 11 minutes of my life. My mum could not be aroused. Not by her palliative doctor, who thankfully was present at the time, for her weekly visit. Not by sister number 3. Not by me. My mum was a little under the weather the previous Sunday evening. Phlegm and cough. […]
It’s mandatory to wear masks in Malaysia. Surgical, medical, fabric or respirator masks. In all public places. Indoors like shopping malls and restaurants. Outdoors including parks and while walking along roads. The exceptions are when travelling in your own private car, and when engaging in physical exercise like jogging in the open air. There is […]
What will 2022 hold for me? I honestly don’t know. What I hope and pray for is good health, happiness and peace of mind. 2021 was a year I will remember for a while yet. It was a mix bag of all sorts. I was really happy leading up to my 60th birthday in March. […]
I am comfortable. Not rich. It took me many years – more than half my life – to get to where I am now. I worked, saved and invested a little. I took the conventional route. Yes, there are tech and business entrepreneurs who create apps, run mammoth companies and earn mega bucks. Yes, there are […]
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