The definitions of empathy, sympathy and compassion used to be a little unclear to me. Not anymore. I’ve had some recent first-hand experiences to set me straight. My husband fell off Snoopy, his motorcross bike, a few weeks ago. Sustained a number of injuries. Nothing too serious. Not like the ankle bone he broke last […]
I love my mum. Always have. She turns 87 next Sunday. With her birthday around the corner, I was thinking more about her. As she is now. An old girl. Hearing suspect. Memory failing. Sleepy dopey. Heart and head willing, but body lagging behind. With flashes of determination and stubbornness. And, as she was many […]
I had watched the movie, ‘A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood.’ The same week, my mum told me a story about her estrangement with her stepsister’s sister-in-law. It made me think about family and friends. People, who have fallen out, and have not spoken or visited for years. Deleted from each other’s lives. With no […]
I like Agar-Agar. Why? The thought of something cold and tasty on a hot day, which is practically every day in Malaysia, is reassuring and refreshing. Oh alright… we have more than a few rainy days in the wet season. But it’s still hot, maybe a little less hot and certainly humid. It is weather […]
Caught in a massive back to before Covid-19 traffic congestion. Searched endlessly for a bay in a multi-storey, not cheap, car park. I was running late. And, on the verge of turning a little green and grumpy. When just like that. My mood lifted. A smile spread across my face. ‘Limbo Rock’ was being played […]
I can feel sad. Surprisingly, suddenly. Without warning. A song. A paragraph in a book. A poignant message on WhatsApp. A scene from a movie. Just a few triggers that make me feel melancholy for no apparent reason other than the trigger itself. The change in emotion is quite dramatic. Thank goodness they are mostly […]
Onde Onde ice cream potong? Who would have thought of making ice cream from a traditional kuih or cake/snack in Malaysia? I didn’t. I am glad someone did because it’s fabulously creamylicious. I am familiar with most local cakes, snacks and pastries. Ice cream, I know only too well. Both making and eating them. Which is […]
I haven’t gone to the temple in SS3 since March 17, the Tuesday before the Movement Control Order (MCO) took effect in Malaysia. That’s 10 visits that didn’t happen in over 2 months. That’s 10 times I didn’t buy flowers from the florists stationed just outside the temple. The two flower stall holders are not […]
I had a Humpty Dumpty moment a while ago. I tripped over my own foot, fell hard on my right bum and hit my head against the wall. This happened in my living room. The floor in my condo is flat. I had on my reliable Nike trainers. I was doing my morning aerobics exercise. […]
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