These days, I’m busy the first Monday of each month. I need to clean two altars, mine and my mum’s, give her a hair wash and bath, cook an oatmeal lunch, and get my blog ready for publication. In addition to other domestic stuff. Once done, I feel like I’ve had a productive or full […]
My husband and I spend a fair bit of time talking about stuff happening inside and outside of Malaysia. Invariably we settle on recurring topics. Most of which impact us. Some solvable with genuine will and concerted effort. Some leave us befuddled. Interest rates interest us. Mainly to gauge if our deposits are earning decent […]
My mum says it. My sisters say it. They say once Monday comes around, the week whizzes by so fast, its Monday again. Another week. Another month. Before you know it, six months have gone past, and we are in July, 2023. Does time fly by? Sister number 3 returned home to England on the 4th […]
I didn’t want to write another post on the holiday my husband and I recently had in England. But I decided I will. Simply because it’s a happy way to relive it. After the Lake District, we spent another three nights, with my mum-in-law, in the Peak District. In a little village called Tideswell. Like […]
My husband and I returned home today from a holiday in England. A much longed for break. We spent a little more than a week with my mother-in-law in the Lake and Peak Districts. And, three nights on our own in the New Forrest. The Lake District came up tops. Open and expansive. Rugged mountains, […]
Who cares? So how, indeed? Sister number 3 and I discussed caregiving for our mum at length. Middle August will mark the second year since the old girl became totally reliant on her children. Painful, difficult and enlightening was the conversation. We were, after all, talking about our mum. Who? How long for? How/whom? Where? Who? Sister […]
I had dinner with my classmates a few weeks ago. Yes, the class of SNC’78. I’m glad I did. I almost didn’t as I only had a two-hour window, and I didn’t want to be that party pooper who had to leave early. Particularly as I hadn’t seen this lot in a while. And, I […]
Google is my favourite search engine. No surprise there. ‘Google dominates the search engine market with a 91.9% share as at January 2022. It’s ahead of Bing at 2.88%, Yahoo! with 1.51%, Yandex (Russian) owning 1.27% and Baidu (Chinese) at 1.16%[1].’ I like Google. No question or query is too complicated, trite or unique. I […]
I am at Season 4 of ‘Homeland’ on Hotstar. My husband and I are streaming episode 11. Yes, I know ‘Homeland’ is not a new show. It was on Netflix for eight seasons, and has since been removed. It is, however, currently available on Disney + Hotstar, another streaming service that we now subscribing to. […]
I like walking. More than jogging, cycling, scootering, and driving. Jogging or running, I like but am unable to do these days. I can’t complete even a short 50- or 100-meter distance without feeling heavy footed, and uncoordinated. This is me who used to compete in the 100-meter and 110-meter hurdles at school and district […]
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