I get it. Old is not cool. I was young once myself. I’m guilty of not giving much thought about older people. I didn’t know what they liked or needed. I can’t remember spending time with them. I didn’t have friends, who were older than me. Old people in my life were my parents, my […]
I wrote about speaking up a couple of weeks ago. I still think I should when necessary. And, should have, in those two instances, when I didn’t. That said, there are situations when it’s better not to rush to speak up or say what’s really on my mind. The audience/people whom I speak to/with is a […]
I wanted a little more pressure applied to the soles of my feet. I deliberated. I contemplated. I then asked my masseuse to up the pressure from medium to a little hard. I was hesitant, yes. But only because I didn’t know where the sweet spot was. The fine balance between medium and a little […]
There was never more month at the end of my money. I didn’t have much, especially when I was younger and just starting out on my own, but I had enough to see me through to the next few salaries. Every month, I saved a little and then some, particularly, for rainy days. It wasn’t […]
I hope 2024 will be a good or better year. Peace on earth, friendlier weather, people-centric governments, equitable social and economic growth, and all that. Ok is also alright. If the new year’s generic wishes for good health, happiness, successes, steady/true friendships/relationships and fun holidays are somewhat realised or enjoyed by one and all. Good […]
An onslaught of upheavels and emotions. My heart felt like it was going to burst right out of my chest. I felt claustrophobic. I needed to get out of my home/condominium, and be out in the open. It was late, sometime after midnight. I was having difficulty sleeping. My mind was all over the place, and […]
Generally, customer service should be about answering customers’ questions on products and services. Providing advice and guidance. Finding solutions and/or resolving complaints to problems. In a quick, easy and empathetic manner via face-to-face interactions at brick-and-mortar stores and/or online through emails, WhatsApp, live chats, and telephones. My recent encounters with two companies made me question […]
Deepavali came and went last Sunday. It was the most low key in recent years. Even my mum, who looks forward to and gets excited to this one festival in a whole series of Indian celebrations each year, was reticent. This despite the presence of sister number 3, the family’s in-house chef, who returned home […]
I’m an average online buyer. I only buy when I want a particular something that is reasonably priced or cheaper online. Promotions don’t entice me. Not because I’m averse to a good deal. I just find the process rather arduous – specific dates/times. And, there’s nothing I want, at whatever reduced price, that badly. Anyways, […]
I like to stay current with current news. For me, reading, listening and watching the latest happenings inside and outside the country, is par for the course. I also write about topics that interest me. Monday to Friday, I listen to the ‘Morning Run’ on the BFM radio station. I like the business news coverage. Corporate […]
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