I like walking. More than jogging, cycling, scootering, and driving. Jogging or running, I like but am unable to do these days. I can’t complete even a short 50- or 100-meter distance without feeling heavy footed, and uncoordinated. This is me who used to compete in the 100-meter and 110-meter hurdles at school and district […]
I like animals. More so, birds. I don’t usually make the effort to look out for or identify birds. But, if one flew in front of me or near me, it would make me smile and be happy. My husband and I have never been overly observant or curious. Of surroundings, people or animals. […]
My mobile phone died on me last week. I woke up to a blank screen. The alarm didn’t go off. I checked the power lead. Tapped the screen to make it come alive. Tried to re-boot the phone. Nothing worked. The phone had literally fallen apart. The back casing was off. The glue holding it […]
Life is fragile. I’m not an exception. I realised that in 1985. The year my dad passed away. For some inconceivable reason, I never thought my parents or a parent could/would die. I thought I wasn’t like other people. God knows why. But, I did. I knew my parents were not superhuman or invincible. They […]
I sit between the late majority and the laggard. Maybe even later-late majority and laggard. What am I referring to? “The technology adoption lifecycle that describes customer behaviour related to the acceptance of a new product or feature. And, it is divided into five stages or categories – innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, […]
I cannot forget that profile. Youngish, probably in his early twenties. An almost innocent face. Innocent, he was not. Why, I asked? Too many times. What did I do to him? I played back the route that I had taken in my head. No accidents. No stalled vehicles. Nothing unusual. The early morning traffic was […]
I made a plan. To eat more. To sleep more. To care less. Eat more. I thought that’s what I’ve been doing all these years. Eating more or at least eating enough for my wants/needs. Not according to my husband. He has always maintained I eat too little. And, what I eat does not constitute […]
My mum had a scheduled home visit with her palliative doctor on Tuesday. It’s always only Dr Rose. This time there was Dr Carmen, who recently joined Beacon Hospital. And, nurse Ruth. She was present to do my mum’s blood test. A once every three-month arrangement. Dr Rose’s home visit routine starts with questions about […]
Big moan. Smoking in eateries. Blatant and more prevalent now. Which made me wonder if the smoking ban has been relaxed or rescinded. I checked. It’s still very much in effect. In fact, Malaysia enforced a no-smoking ruling at all eateries and restaurants nationwide on Jan 1, 2019[1]. Not just eateries. The ban covered/covers a total […]
My mum is a depository of stories. Sometimes a little unclear but mostly interesting. Her stories have given me precious glimpses into the various phases of her life. That said, there is one peculiar but still interesting story about two young girls, who visited her and played hide and seek in her condominium. She saw […]
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