Routine works for me. It gives me structure and a certain order to my day. The order might vary, albeit very slightly, depending on the circumstance, but the activities are pretty much the same. And, they, mostly, get done each day. My days used to start with drinks of water. A check on my mum […]
I am no expert. But I do think there are far too many bad and evil people in Tamil TV-land. How do I know this? Since sister number 4 left for Brisbane on 6 April, I’m with my mum 24×7. My evening entertainment comprises Tamil serials that my mum watches, courtesy of Sun TV HD and […]
Sister number 4 left for home after 5 weeks of caring for our mum. It was both sad and hard saying goodbye. It always is. She returned home to Brisbane to her family. They were eagerly awaiting to see her as she was to see them. Particularly her adorably, huggable not yet 1 year-old grandson. […]
Listening to two interviews on the radio with two different politicians made me ponder about politics and politicians. Both were asked identical questions. Both gave age-old rhetoric to address pressing economic issues and evolving health concerns. And, both claimed what they said was dissimilar from their opponent. Integrity, accountability, transparency, inclusion and fighting corruption were […]
It was an enjoyable two day holiday. The resort was idyllic. The accommodation was reminiscent of my kampung home in Alor Setar. My husband and I had a few National Geographic moments. Just what I/we needed to unwind and relax. But did I? Unwind and relax? There was a meandering stream. Two to three rapids […]
It’s my birthday month. Yes, the whole month of March. Why not I ask? I know it’s birth + day = birthday. So, it’s ‘supposed’ to be celebrated on one day. I know. But, what the hey? Particularly as it makes me happier and a little more special. I get to decide what I want and […]
I haven’t met up with my friend in over two years. I thought about her recently. Realised that despite having worked with her, and knowing her for more than 15 years, I knew very little about her husband’s home country, Azerbaijan. Our conversations usually focussed on what we have been up to, our mutual friends, […]
My mum is a stickler for time. A clock watcher. Even now. Ailing with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and heart failure, her days are influenced by time. She has clocks everywhere in her condominium. One large analogue clock by her bedside wall. Another digital facing her. Two large ones in the lounge and kitchen. She […]
Last Monday was Valentine’s Day. The Saturday after was our wedding anniversary, my husband and my 25th silver anniversary. Yes, it is a major milestone. Yes, we have come a long way together. And, yet oddly, I was under prepared. Or rather I didn’t have ‘real plans’ for either. I wasn’t too bothered about Valentine’s […]
It’s month two of 2022. Whizzed past? Plodded along? All a blur? Not sure. What’s for sure is come rain, sun or fuzzy days, a new month means bills – utility, credit cards and maintenance charges. And, the start of a new year usually heralds an assortment of other bills – insurance, council rates and taxes. […]
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